Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Margarine, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla, flower, baking soda , baking powder, salt, pumpkin, and chocolate chips put together make one of the classic treats of home. The very taste of them brings me to a progressive dinner, warming next to a fireplace. Fortunately I can eat these cookies without a real fireplace. I don't know how the apartment management would feel about an open fire.

Pumpkin Chocolate chip cookies not only taste good but they are super fun to make. My dear sister Holly gave me the grand idea over the phone and the one or two ingredients I lacked for them. Thank you HOLLY!

Now look at these delectable lovelies. I only made half the batch and I know I will not be able to find people to eat these fast enough! I know many who are looking forward to the mixture of leftovers at the end of every week.

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