I declared myself a writer at age five when I discovered that a by-line was one of the most effective ways to get attention that I had ever before achieved. I then began to discover as I grew up that “writer” was also far more interesting than doctor, lawyer or candlestick maker; that also was a plus to this decision. When people would ask me what I would write I would answer something silly, something equally as different, so that I may receive the same reaction. It was not until much later that these attributes that made me foolishly choose my course in life were befitting a writer; in fact writer just seemed to be befitting of me. But the truth of the matter remained; I simply had not yet had anything to write about. They say write what you know, the more interesting writers council to write about your adventures.
Putting off any writing that might affect my future I went forth and began what I believed might be my very first adventure. I came out the other side and sat down in the figurative dirt road and wept. In all reality it was my pink polka dot bed, and I hadn’t really come out of the Jungle, lost any tragic love, or saved the children of some forgotten land. Adventure does not come in that way though, not for most that is. There are those few that have that benefit, that way to “really experience life,” but that is not what most of us call life, no, we call that adventure. People who desire the discovering of Atlantis and the theft of some hidden art piece fail to recognize the moments they have where they sit down on the dirt road and weep.
No, no, my excuse to not write because I am awaiting something to write about is now most certainly invalid. Life is the great adventure that we all face, and I must reveal this. A pirate who is hung can draw parallels with a thirty-year-old man who overcame his past and still…still must pay. So if being dragged through Hell, abducted by bandits, inserting yourself with a substance that turns you into a monster and finally building a house of gold is not proof of where real adventure lies I begin, from this day onward, to challenge that disbelief. I will write what I know and all that I know.
I agree, the "I can't write because I'm not exciting" line is a trap, living an exciting life doesn't make you a good writer, learning how to tell it well does. You've just gotta sit down and do it, pound it out.